What’s on my mind lately
Being Present
For the past 9 months I’ve been preparing for baby number 2. Doing multiple things at once along with being a parent feels like a very exciting juggling act and the most important objects in the act seem to float when they are in the air, giving me the confidence to keep juggling. I believe this is also due to the amazing people that I have around me friends and family. Now that baby number 2 is finally here my number one objective is to get better with my time management skills. During this 9 month period I found myself periodically visiting the bike store and this October I finally decided to buy the Trek mountain bike that I had been wanting. I hope to one day be able to do some black diamond trails, but in the mean time I’m happy riding the easy stuff, as my son and I share the passion for the sport and continue to sharpen our skills.
Storage unit memories
What should have been a quick stop to my storage unit to pick up Christmas decorations turned into me moving paintings around, then taking pictures of each of the paintings. Then I decided to send the photos to some of my collectors. And all this happened because I needed to get Christmas decorations. Its funny because if my storage unit ever ended up on that storage wars show they would find 90% art, 3% camping supplies, 2% art tools, 2% baby stuff, 2% holiday decorations, 1% random stuff. I was actually able to sell one of the paintings from the storage unit, so that was cool too.
New Tshirt Idea
I really really really want to start releasing more merch. I recently came up with this design and would love to hear what you all think about it.